Moneyball Campaign Adds Bipartisan All-Stars: U.S. Senator Landrieu, Former White House CEA Chairs Goolsbee and Hubbard, and Former U.S. Secretaries of Education Spellings and Riley

New All-Stars Join Campaign to Call for More Effective Use of Taxpayer Dollars

Today, the Moneyball for Government campaign announced the addition of five new All-Stars to its growing list of bipartisan leaders who support applying the moneyball principles of using data and evidence to more effectively invest taxpayer dollars and get better results for young people, their families and communities.

The bipartisan leaders who added their name to the campaign are:

  • U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA);
  • Austan Goolsbee, Former Chairman, White House Council of Economic Advisers, President Barack Obama; Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago;
  • Glenn Hubbard, Former Chairman, White House Council of Economic Advisers, President George W. Bush; Dean of the Columbia University Graduate School of Business;
  • Richard Riley, Former Secretary, U.S. Department of Education, President Bill Clinton; Former Governor of South Carolina; and
  • Margaret Spellings, Former Secretary, U.S Department of Education, President George W. Bush; Current President, George W. Bush Foundation.

“We can get past this seemingly endless cycle of budget stalemates if we use evidence and data to make better decisions about how to allocate limited public resources and to get better results. Through rigorous evaluations and the use of credible data, policymakers at all levels of government can use ‘what works’ to invest in the kind of programs that can deliver life-changing results for young people and their families.” Goolsbee said.

The Moneyball for Government campaign was launched in October by Results for America with a team of bipartisan All-Stars including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, former directors of the Office of Management and Budget Jim Nussle (G.W. Bush) and Peter Orzsag (Obama) as well as former directors of the White House Domestic Policy Council John Bridgeland (G.W. Bush) and Melody Barnes (Obama).

Just as Billy Beane, General Manager of the Oakland A’s, famously transformed baseball by ignoring old-school scouts and instead used data and statistics to build a championship contending team despite a limited budget, Moneyball for Government has the potential to transform the way governments at all levels make funding decisions. Policymakers must rely on data and evidence — instead of gut feelings or special interests — when investing increasingly limited taxpayer dollars.

People around the country can join the campaign by signing onto a series of principles via and tell government it is time to play Moneyball.  They can also join the conversation online by following the campaign on Twitter @Moneyball4Gov.

Full Press Release