Moneyball All-Stars - Moneyball for Government
By investing limited taxpayer dollars in programs that work, we can improve outcomes for children, their families and communities across the country.
Bipartisan leaders from the public and private sectors have joined our All-Star lineup to tell government at all levels that it’s time to play Moneyball:
- Founding All-Stars
- Federal All-Stars
- State All-Stars
- Local All-Stars
- Non-Profit All-Stars
- Academic All-Stars
Sam Schaeffer
CEO, Center for Employment Opportunities
Eric Schwarz
Co-Founder & CEO, College for Social Innovation
U.S. Representative Bobby Scott (D-VA)
U.S. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC)
Mora Segal
CEO, Achievement Network
Daniel Sellers
Executive Director, MinnCAN
U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
David Shapiro
CEO, MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership
Robert Shea
Commissioner, Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking
Billy Shore
Founder & CEO, Share Our Strength
Robert Slavin
Chairman, Success for All Foundation; Director, Johns Hopkins Center for Research and Reform in Education
Eshauna Smith
CEO, Urban Alliance
Michael D. Smith
Chief Executive Officer of AmeriCorps, Former Executive Director of the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance and Director of Youth Opportunity Programs at the Obama Foundation; Former Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director of Cabinet Affairs for My Brother’s Keeper (Obama); and Former Director of the Social Innovation Fund (SIF)
Preston Smith
Co-Founder & CEO, Rocketship Education
Deborah Smolover
Executive Director, America Forward
Jesse Solomon
Executive Director, BPE
Terri Sorensen
President, Friends of the Children
Margaret Spellings
Former Secretary, U.S Department of Education, President George W. Bush; President, George W. Bush Foundation
Gene Sperling
Senior Advisor to President Biden and Implementation Coordinator of the American Rescue Plan; Former Director, White House National Economic Council for Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton
Allan C. Stam
Former Dean, Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, University of Virginia